İSTEK Atanur Oğuz Okulları


The History Zone Project: Heroes Without Capes was founded by Mr. Rodrigo de Castro from ISTEK Atanur Oğuz Okulları, Türkiye and co-founded by Mrs. Madalina Ivan from LICEUL TEORETIC "NICOLAE BALCESCU" CLUJ-NAPOCA, Romania. The Etwinning project aimed to enhance students' research skills, biography writing, and English presentation abilities by exploring historical and famous figures who made significant contributions to their countries and the world.

Through monthly tasks and interactive tools, students from Grade 7 engaged in a dynamic learning experience that fostered creativity and cultural exchange. Schools from Romania, Bulgaria, and Spain collaborated in the project, allowing students to immerse themselves in different cultures while deepening their understanding of history.

Running from January to May 2024, the project featured a new assignment each month. Activities included a quiz show on historical figures, researching and writing biographies, designing posters, and creating video impersonations, which were shared with partner schools.

The project was developed and completed in close collaboration with international partners. Its success was recognized with the National Quality Label, European Quality Label, and Pupil Quality Label, highlighting its impact on both students and educators.